A full Assessment is a formal report prepared under the direction of an independent Assessment Panel assembled by CAHS. Members of the panel are chosen from the international health sciences community for their relevant expertise, freedom from real and perceived conflicts of interest, and contributions to a balance of views on the Panel. The Panel reviews the evidence in open sessions and when the evidence has been assembled, convenes privately to prepare a report. This report is then reviewed by independent external experts selected by CAHS and their comments form the basis of editorial revision of the report. The final report contains conclusions and recommendations in the name of CAHS. The final report is approved by the Board of CAHS prior to its release to the sponsor(s) and appropriate further dissemination.

Completed Full Assessment Reports

  Canada’s Health Workforce: Pathways Forward
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  Autism in Canada: Considerations for future public policy development
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  Improving the quality of life and care of persons living with Dementia and their caregivers
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    Academic Recognition of Team Science:  How to Optimize the Canadian Academic System
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Improving Access to Oral Health Care for Vulnerable People Living in Canada
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Optimizing Scopes of Practice: New Models of Care for a New Health Care System
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The Health Effects of Conducted Energy Weapons
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RSC/CAHS Expert Panel on Early Childhood Development
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Canadians Making a Difference : The Expert Panel on Canada’s Strategic Role in Global Health
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Transforming Care for Canadians with Chronic Health Conditions: Put People First, Expect the Best; Manage for Results
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Making an Impact: A Preferred Framework and Indicators to Measure Returns on Investment in Health Research
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Report on the Barriers to and Benefits of Interdisciplinary Research in the Health Sciences in Canada
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