2019-2020 Board Elected

The Canadian Academy of Health Sciences is pleased to announce that its new Board of directors was elected at its Annual General Meeting on Friday September 20, 2019.

The new President of the Academy is Dr. Paul Allison.

The executive is composed of the Dr. Allison as the President, Dr. Linda Rabeneck (Past President), Dr. Chris Simpson (President-Elect), Dr. Louise Nasmith (Secretary) and Dr. Sioban Nelson (Treasurer).

The rest of the Board includes:

  • Dr. Gilles Lavigne (discipline director – dentistry);
  • Dr. James (Jay) Cross (discipline director – veterinary sciences);
  • Dr. Anita Molzhan (discipline director – nursing);
  • Dr. Annette Majnemer (discipline director – rehabilitation services);
  • Dr. John Meddings (discipline director – medicine);
  • Dr. Shana Kelley (discipline director – pharmacy);
  • Dr. Judy Illes (director at large);
  • Dr. Proton Rahman (director at large);
  • Dr. Marie-France Raynault (nomination from the floor);
  • Dr. Sandra Davidge (nomination from the floor).

Ex-officio members of the Board include Dr. Kevin Keough (Foreign Secretary); Dr. Gavin Stuart (Chair, Standing Committee on Annual Meeting Planning); Dr. Stuart MacLeod (Chair, Standing Committee on Assessments).

More information can be gathered by visiting our Board page.