Consulting with organizations and individuals will be essential to the success of this project. This will include:

  • Academic experts
  • Animal agriculture association representatives (i.e. cattle, poultry, and swine)
  • Consumers
  • Industry representatives, producers, feed suppliers, abattoirs, retailers
  • International experts
  • Federal, Provincial and Territorial government representatives
  • Veterinary professionals

We will engage in four different ways:

  1. Small group interviews
  2. Focus group discussions
  3. Virtual sessions
  4. Written input (to participate now, please see below)

Stakeholders will be invited to contribute by:

  • Sending relevant information to the research team in advance of the consultations,
  • Spreading the word to help identify further stakeholders,
  • Actively participating in the consultations

There will be two rounds of engagement: 1. gathering information and 2. validating key findings.

Gathering information (spring 2024)

With a focus on barriers and challenges to progress and suggestions for improvements, the following will be identified:

  • Key actions taken to reduce the use of antimicrobials (in particular, medically important antimicrobials) and preserve animal welfare,
  • Perspective on public awareness of AMU/AMR, consumer expectations on how their food is produced and education efforts,
  • Critical success factors (enablers and barriers to implementation),
  • Impacts on human and animal health based on approaches taken (disease burden, observable reductions in AMR pathogens), promising practices, mechanisms for measuring success, and gaps,
  • Existing mechanisms and their potential capacity to adopt best practices related to measuring success in effectiveness of antimicrobials and the possibility of reducing AMR/AMU

Validating key findings and exploring implementation (summer/fall 2024)

Participants in round two of the engagement process will have the opportunity to provide feedback on initial findings from the evidence and first round of engagement. We will generate ideas on how to implement some of the most promising ideas and identify which of these may be most effective and feasible within the Canadian context.

We want to hear from you

As part of our first round of engagement, we invite you to answer a written input survey. The survey should take 20-30 minutes. Click here to share your input.

Virtual sessions

Through two rounds of virtual sessions, we will identify evidence-informed and practical key findings with possible pathways forward for policy makers. Participants will include representatives of organizations and groups (government and industry representatives, veterinarians, producers, feed suppliers, abattoir personnel, retailers).

The sessions will take the form of Zoom-based meetings where participants will be invited to provide their thoughts through the Q&A function.

To find out more, please check our FAQ or email

About the Assessment
Frequently Asked Questions