The Canadian Academy of Health Sciences has released a report entitled Canadians Making a Difference: The Expert Panel on Canada’s Strategic Role in Global Health. This report, authored by an Expert Panel of leading Canadian and international global health experts, is based on a year-long evidence-based assessment process that was completed earlier this year. The report identifies five roles in which there is an opportunity for Canada to have significant global impact including:

  • Indigenous and Circumpolar Health Research
  • Population and Public Health
  • Community-Oriented Primary Healthcare
  • Smart Partnerships in Education and Research
  • Global health innovation

Follow these links to access the summary or full report:

Executive Summary English / Executive Summary French

Final Report English / Final Report French

For the full News Release, please click HERE

We also encourage you to visit the assessment Facebook page ( where you will have the chance to share comments and engage in meaningful discussion with others on the role Canada and we, as Canadians, have in transforming global health.