The Engagement and Sustainability Committee’s mandate is focused on internal issues such as Fellows and organizational capacity. It is to see why Fellows should want to remain part of the Academy and how the Academy can build its capacity to respond to its Fellows’ expectations.
The Committee must advance in lock step with the goals of the Committees Regional Networks, Assessments and fundraising which is achieved through cross representation on Board Committees and the ex-officio appointment of the Committee Chair to the CAHS Board.
- Provide direction, guidance and oversight to management for the implementation of the Board’s objectives;
- Prepare a plan in relations to CHAS’ mandate, and review it annually; and,
- identify measurable objectives on an annual basis.
Trevor Young, MD, PhD, FRCPC, FCAHS
University of Toronto |
Sandra Davidge, PhD, FCAHS
University of Alberta |
Faith Davis, PhD, MPH, MSc, FCAHS
University of Alberta |
James Douketis, MD, FCAHS
McMaster University |
Robert Armstrong, BSc, MSc, MD, PhD, FCAHS
Aga Khan University |
Baljit Singh, FCAHS, BVSc&AH, PhD
University of Saskatchewan |