On December 7, 2010, in Ottawa, ON, the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences released the report, Transforming Care for Canadians with Chronic Health Conditions: Put People First, Expect the Best; Manage for Results. This report is the consensus of an international Expert Panel of leading thinkers and researchers who were appointed by the Academy.

“People with chronic health conditions and their families are suffering. The healthcare system and healthcare providers are stretched beyond capacity. This is why the Academy chose to address this critical issue to provide unbiased advice to the government and the public.” says Catharine Whiteside, CAHS President “The Expert Panel has presented us with a strategy to transform care for the millions of Canadians living with chronic health conditions, using a process that exemplifies the Academy’s reputation for objectivity, integrity, independence, and competence.”

The fifteen member Expert Panel, co-chaired by Drs. Louise Nasmith and Penny Ballem, found that people with chronic health conditions need access to a system of care with a specific clinician or team of clinicians who are responsible for providing their primary care and for coordinating with acute, specialty and community services throughout their life spans. They called for:

  • changes to what is covered in the health system and how providers are paid;
  • mechanisms to ensure quality drives system performance;
  • a culture of lifelong education and learning;
  • supports so that people with chronic conditions can be partners in their own care;
  • better use of and access to health information; and
  • targeted research to improve health outcomes.

“Everything we are recommending is already happening sometimes, somewhere – the challenge is to make it happen everywhere, all the time for everyone who needs it.” states Louise Nasmith, “We are at a tipping point. Ministers of Health have an opportunity to use these recommendations to realize the full potential of the Canadian healthcare system by using this report to inform the 2014 renewal of the federal-provincial-territorial accord on health care.”

Follow these links to access the summary or full report:

Report Summary English / Report Summary French

Final Report English / Final Report French

Final Report Appendices (English only)